Darin M. L. Stewart, PhD
I am an educator and scholar-activist focused on empowering and imagining futures that sustain and cultivate the learning, growth, and success of minoritized groups.
My work is motivated by an ethic of love grounded in justice and informed by an intersectional framework that recognizes both the lived experiences of individuals with multiple marginalities, as well as the material effects of interlocking systems of oppression. I have focused most intently on issues of race and ethnicity, sexuality, and gender, as well as religion, faith, and spirituality in my research, teaching, and service to professional organizations and institutions across the nation.
As a well-respected scholar within higher education, I have published over four dozen journal articles and book chapters, as well as being editor, co-editor, or author for four books covering multicultural student services; gender and sexual diversity of U.S. college students; the historical experiences of Black collegians in northern liberal arts colleges in the middle of the twentieth century; and rethinking student development theory through critical perspectives.
Additional essays covering a wide array of subjects are available at dlstewartradicalinsights.wordpress.com